Fast and Precisely
Highly Flexible Thanks to Farsighted Planning

Into Higher Spheres

The use of prefabricated sections permits much faster progress than would be the case if they were cast in place right at the construction site. For Pier G, the supports, ceilings, and reinforcing beams are all made elsewhere. A large, powerful crawler crane assembles them, and the carcass grows piece by piece. As soon as the carcass of a section is finished, other specialists start installing technical systems.(Here Frank Schütz of project management explains the individual construction phases for Pier G.)

Construction work on Pier G starts in June 2019.

From above it’s easy to distinguish various phases of the work to build Pier G. Concrete structures are already visible at the back, while the excavation activities in the foreground hint at the extension that is planned for later.

While work still continues to mount the rebars in the foreground, further back loadbearing structures are already standing.

The contours of the base of Pier G are steadily taking shape. Passengers will check or pick up their luggage here.

Growing quickly: the carcass of Pier G is already standing in this photograph from mid-2020, ready for adding the exterior walls and finishing the interior.

The distinctive round skylights in the base of Pier G are taking shape.

By April 2021, work on the exteriors has already made considerable progress. The pier is starting to take on its final appearance.

The progress being made is easy to see from above: the building shell of Pier G, shown here in the first contruction phase, is nearly completed.

Three bridges connect the base of Pier G (on the right) and the main terminal building (on the left).

The new apron control tower stretches skyward right next to the airside walkway between the main terminal building and Pier G.

Seen from the opposite direction: here the main terminal building is on the right and the base of Pier G on the left.

Pier G is connected to the main terminal building

The base structure, located between the main terminal building and Pier G, will contain the arrivals hall and check-in area in addition to part of the baggage conveyor system. Three bridges will link the structures, the carcasses of which have already been completed.

After Pier G is inaugurated in 2026, arriving and departing passengers will be guided to the right bridge depending on whether their trip ends in Frankfurt or they will be catching a connecting flight.

Construction supervisor Mahad Afhakame explains the advantages of the 220-tonne crawler crane used to build Pier G and the challenges that have to be met to transport it to where it’s needed.