Modular Planning and Flexible Implementation
Focus on Terminal 3

A Modular System

Terminal 3 was planned from the start with a modular structure that could be flexibly extended depending on requirements. The first phase of construction began in 2015, focusing on the main terminal building and Piers H and J. The plans allowed for two additional phases: the expansion of Pier G (which has already been completed) and, ultimately, the building of Pier K.

It Gets Tight

Strong growth in passenger volumes through 2019 exhausted the capacity of Terminals 1 and 2 earlier than expected. The decision was therefore made in 2018 to start building Pier G first instead of second as had originally been planned. By taking an efficient approach, it was actually making it possible to complete it ahead of the rest. It will also be possible to operate Pier G without the main terminal building, which is still under construction. This is because it was conceived as a standalone unit: it integrates all of a terminal’s processes, from check-in all the way to baggage claim.

A gigantic project executed during the Covid-19 pandemic

The crisis that the aviation sector suffered as a result of the Covid-19 pandemic was unique in terms of its severity and duration. And Frankfurt Airport was no exception. In the meantime, however, the industry is noticeably recovering, especially in terms of passenger volumes. By 2022 FRA had reattained nearly two-thirds of the pre-pandemic figure, and this positive trend is continuing.
The Covid-19 years also massively affected the work to build the new Terminal 3. Although the construction work continued, temporary border closures within Europe significantly reduced the availability of materials and personnel to the involved contractors, with especially acute shortfalls between March and May of 2020.

Continued expansion despite the crisis

Untiring efforts and courageous decisions kept the T3 project on course, however. The construction teams relied to an even greater extent than before on digital and virtual communication among the construction management and project coordination teams and the involved planners. All this helped Frankfurt Airport to master this unprecedented crisis. As a result, it is now facing the future with renewed confidence.

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