
A Great Place for Passengers to Spend Time

Modern with a Feel-Good Ambiance In 2005, architect Christoph Mäckler convinced the jury with this mission statement and won the contest to implement Terminal 3. In architectural terms, Mäckler’s…

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Modular Planning and Flexible Implementation

A Modular System Terminal 3 was planned from the start with a modular structure that could be flexibly extended depending on requirements. The first phase of construction began in 2015, focusing on…

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Sustainable for the Future

The theme of sustainability already received a great deal of attention while planning Terminal 3, which naturally also supports Fraport AG’s climate protection goals. One of them is to reduce the…

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Facts and Figures

Building in Modules The new terminal is being built in several phases. The first phase, comprising the main terminal building and Piers H and J, began in 2015 and will presumably go into operation…

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Have a Look Around

Terminal 3 in Virtual Reality Discover Terminal 3 in virtual reality: use your laptop or smartphone to get 360-degree views of the new terminal at Frankfurt Airport. To switch to a different scene,…

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Smart Connections

Ideally Linked The new Terminal 3 will be easy and convenient to reach by bus, train, or car. A new Sky Line people mover will provide a direct connection from the regional and long-distance train…

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The Long Road to the Goal

An Eventful History Work to build Frankfurt Airport at its current site began in 1934. It included erecting two gigantic airship hangers, one of which was located exactly where Terminal 3 is now…

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